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Project Manager / Java Architect

Sucht Stelle als Soft­ware Engi­neer Java, Senior Con­sul­tant, gerne in Süd­deutsch­land oder in der Schweiz, Reise­bere­itschaft vorhan­den

Engi­neer in Infor­mat­ics, Bach­e­lor, 07/2005
Project man­ag­er and Java archi­tect. Knowl­edge of JEE, Ora­cle and .NET tech­nolo­gies. Expe­ri­ence in analy­sis and devel­op­ment of web and mobile phone appli­ca­tions with focus on finan­cial and com­mer­cial indus­try.

Per­son­al pro­file:
Leader capa­bil­i­ties, proac­tive, high ana­lyt­i­cal capa­bil­i­ties, team play­er, order­ly and well orga­nized in all process­es e.g. analy­sis, pro­gram­ming, plan­ning.

Data­bas­es: Ora­cle 10g y 9i, Post­greSQL 8.1 y 7.4.7,SQL Serv­er 2000
Lan­guages: Java, Visu­al Basic .NET, UML, PL/SQL, PL/pgSQL, HTML, JavaScript, XML
Tech­nolo­gies: JEE 5.0 ( JSF, EJB 3.0 ), J2EE (Servlets, JSP, EJB, RMI/IIOP, JNDI, JMS, JDBC, JTA, Java­Mail, Web­Ser­vices), J2SE, .NET (ADO.NET, ASP.NET , Web­Ser­vices, Com+)6
Frame­works: Struts, ADF, JSF, Spring, iBatis, Hiber­nate, Axis2, Ajax, ICE­Faces Ser­vice
Providers: Ora­cle Appli­ca­tion Serv­er, JBoss, IIS,Tomcat, Glass­fish
IDE: JDe­vel­op­er 10g, Eclipse Europa, Ganímedes, MyE­clipse, Visu­al Stu­dio, .NET 2003, Net­Beans
Method­olo­gies: — RUP, PMI, Scrum
Oth­ers: Ratio­nal Rose, IBM Ratio­nal Req­ui­sitePRO, MS Project 2003, ERWIN, MS Visio Pro­fes­sion­al, TOAD, PL/SQL Devel­op­er, JFreeChart, Jasper­Re­ports

2010: Ora­cle Cer­ti­fied Pro­fes­sion­al Java Pro­gram­mer (Sun Cer­ti­fied Java Pro­gram­mer (SCJP) SE 6)
2010: Mar­ket­ing / Prod­uct Man­ag­ment & Mar­ket­ing Plan
2009: Search Engine Opti­miza­tion (SEO)
2008: Mar­ket­ing Con­cepts & Plan­ning
2008: BPM, Busi­ness Process Man­age­ment
2006: Man­age­ment of MS Project
2006: Ora­cle 10g Java J2EE Web Devel­op­er / Data­base access with JAVA and JDBC 3.0
2005: Lin­ux Red Hat Admin­is­tra­tion
2005: Lin­ux Red Hat Intranet
2005 Ora­cle 9i Admin­is­tra­tion
2005 Ora­cle 9iPL/SQL
2005: .NET Devel­op­ment of Appli­ca­tions
2005: .NET Pro­gram­ming with Microsoft ADO.NET
2005: HTML-JavaScript-XML / Pro­gram­ming ori­ent­ed to Objec­tives Java / Pro­gram­ming of Java Servlets and Java Serv­er Pages / Devel­op­ment of Appli­ca­tions Web with EJB’s

Work­ing Expe­ri­ence / Projects

Project man­ag­er / Java archi­tect:

mobile: yel­low / white pages and find it for Java gener­ics, Black­ber­ry and iPhone, WAP: yel­low / white pages, video stream­ing: online advices for video, video admin­is­tra­tion: sys­tem that man­age­ment the video prod­uct, migra­tion of adver­tis­er sys­tem with Java tech­nol­o­gy, migra­tion of admin­is­tra­tion sys­tem with Java tech­nol­o­gy, new func­tion­al­i­ties for yel­low pages, new sta­tis­tics and reports for devel­oped mobile access

  • Plat­forms of devel­op­ment: Net­Beans, Eclipse
  • Data­base: Ora­cle 10g, Post­greSQL, SQL Serv­er
  • Archi­tec­ture: Java (tech­nol­o­gy JEE5.0), LDAP, JSF, Hiber­nate, EJB 3.0, Web­Ser­vices, Tom­cat, JBoss, Lin­ux Red Hat
  • 2008
    Sys­tems ana­lyst / pro­gram­mer:
    Analy­sis of xxx’s web sys­tem / process­es, elab­o­ra­tion of new func­tion­al­i­ties in supe­ri­or tech­nol­o­gy sup­port­ing new busi­ness process­es and coor­di­na­tion of imple­men­ta­tion ana­lysts, analy­sis and mod­i­fi­ca­tion of process­es, accord­ing to changes in the com­pa­ny

  • Plat­forms of devel­op­ment: Net­Beans, Eclipse
  • Data­base: Ora­cle 10g
  • Archi­tec­ture: Java (tech­nol­o­gy JEE), Spring, Struts, Hiber­nate, Ajax, Tom­cat, JBoss, PL SQL
  • 2007–2008
    Sys­tems ana­lyst:
    Analy­sis of remit­tance busi­ness process­es, incl. coor­di­na­tion with assigned staff to this busi­ness for exist­ing process def­i­n­i­tion, analy­sis of imple­men­ta­tion of detec­tion sys­tem for laun­dered assets, imple­men­ta­tion of remit­tance and laun­dry detec­tion mod­ules, report­ing to project man­ag­er

  • Descrip­tion of projects: remit­tance and laun­dry assets projects
  • Plat­forms of devel­op­ment: MyE­clipse
  • Data­base: Ora­cle 10g
  • Archi­tec­ture: Java (tech­nol­o­gy JEE), EJB3.0, Ajax, JBoss, Web­Ser­vices
  • 2007
    Ana­lyst / pro­gram­mer
    Analy­sis, pro­gram­ming and imple­men­ta­tion of secu­ri­ty sys­tem with open source base data of Post­greSQL in the ‘Cor­re­spon­sal Bank’ sys­tem, imple­men­ta­tion of new func­tions in the ‘Cor­re­spon­sal Bank’ sys­tem, elab­o­ra­tion of com­po­nents of finan­cial trans­ac­tions, coor­di­na­tion with staff for test­ing com­po­nents and elab­o­ra­tion of pre­sen­ta­tion of prod­uct for poten­tial clients

  • Descrip­tion of project: ‘Cor­re­spon­sal Bank’ includ­ing secu­ri­ty, admin­is­tra­tion and finan­cial trans­ac­tion sys­tems
  • Plat­forms of devel­op­ment: JDe­vel­op­er 10g, Eclipse
  • Data­base: Post­greSQL, Ora­cle 10g
  • Archi­tec­ture: SOA, Lin­ux Red/Hat, Java (tech­nol­o­gy J2EE), JSF, ADF, EJB3.0, OpenL­DAP, Web­Ser­vices, PL/pgSQL, PL/SQL, JBoss
  • 2006
    Ana­lyst / pro­gram­mer:
    Analy­sis and imple­men­ta­tion of Asesor Vir­tu­al and finan­cial cal­cu­la­tion mod­ules incl. SBS for­mu­las need­ed in Asesor Vir­tu­al, coor­di­na­tion with ana­lyst lead­ers of Pro­Fu­turo AFP, report­ing to project man­ag­er

  • Plat­forms of devel­op­ment: JDe­vel­op­er 10g
  • Data­base: Ora­cle 10g
  • Archi­tec­ture: Java (tech­nol­o­gy J2EE), Struts, EJB’s, OAS, PL/SQL
  • 2005
    Ana­lyst / pro­gram­mer in help desk project

  • Plat­forms of devel­op­ment: Eclipse 3.2,
  • Data­base: Ora­cle 9i,
  • Archi­tec­ture: Java (tech­nol­o­gy J2EE), Struts, EJB’s, Web­sphere, PL/SQL
  • Lan­guages
    Span­ish: Moth­er tongue
    Eng­lish: Advanced, Busi­ness Lev­el
    French: Inter­me­di­ate
    Ger­man: Basic (Learn­ing in Progress)

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